Tuesday, August 2, 2011


take the dead winter reeds from the lake.. weave a cross of Brigid...

for this is
the last month of winter
Brigid Day

light the candles
to celebrate the returning of light

the season of milk
newborn calves and lambs
and wobbly legged foals

this strange warm season we've had
scarcely cold
spring flowers appearing early
daffodil gold of the sun
snowdrops white of the milk

I take milk white paper

and cut out dancing maidens

to dance beneath the winter moon

milk white maidens

to welcome the lengthening of days
and the returning of the sun

may our hearts be light
and rejoice!
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  1. You have a way of making me feel light, brand new. Milk white maidens dancing under the full moon does exactly that. I thank you, deeply.

  2. What a gorgeous photo in your header, Joan. So green and refreshing.

    That paper cutout is pure magic. I'm so glad you're getting the light days back...it's definitely a time for celebration.

  3. Your dancing maidens beneath the winter moon are so delightful, Joan, and your celebration so fitting and wonderful as you look to warmer days and nights.

    The heat is oppressive here again today and violent storms predicted. I think I'll try to cut out some dancing maidens today to calm my spirit.

  4. Joan, this is so stunning and so in the spirit of Brigid. My heart dances and rejoices with those moon maidens who almost seem alive. And I love what you created with the reeds. It's a joy to feel the fire of Brigid dancing from one person to another, one blog to another. May spring bring you inspiration and delight.

  5. You and your scissors (and your camera) create some amazing art!

  6. Wow, Joan. Your paper cut-outs and writing are so beautiful. How creative you are.
    Now it is getting lighter I feel the "sap" rising in myself.
    have been out feeding the birds.

  7. I love the dancing paper maids, especially their shadows.
