Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shades of Purple..

I set out walking today and spotted this beautiful flower
in someone's front garden
(but cannot recall it's name just now).
Further along this lovely hebe caught my eye.
The hebe is a native of our country.
What a surprise when later I opened my back door
to Felicity and her lovely daughter Kate,
to discover my first hyacinth out.
We could smell the heady scent.
A rather purple day today.
I more and more love the colours of purple and red.

Another lovely sunny day
and more signs of spring coming!

I will never forget the hyacinths in St John's Wood, London. Oh the scent! They were twice as big as we can grow here. Our winters just aren't cold enough in the North Island / Te Ika a Maui.
I'm not complaining. This has been such a lovely winter.
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  1. What a beautiful sequence of purple flowers! I can almost smell the hyacinth. (I meant to grow some hyacinths in pots but completely forgot, so now I'm reminded to be sure to do it next year.) And the first one is a lassiandra (not sure of the spelling), my mother's favourite flower. It bloomed right outside her dining room window, and I used to have one too, in a former garden. Thank you Joan for this burst of colour and happy memories.

  2. Thank you Juliet for naming the lassiandra. Lovely that you have such special memories of your mother to go with the beautiful flower.

  3. How have you got on in your etching class?

    ~ Julie

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry dreadful senior moment causing typos!
    Beautiful photos J, such a beautiful colour. I am really enjoying colour this winter. Do hope you had a good drive home yesterday and were able to meet up with your friends; it was lovely spending the afternoon with you.

  6. I am Definitely curious about you!! Thank you for asking! I had my second session today and prepared my first zinc plate. Ready to work something on it next week. We've been scratching onto plastic and printing thus far. The process is very absorbing. I'll have to do some scanning.

  7. How I love purple and to see it even in winter is such a treat. I think your winters are a bit milder than ours, which are quite grey or white with snow for the most part. Still, winter is winter and we crave the colors and blooms.
    Isn't it funny about scents? They bring is immediately back to a place in time where we first smelled them. Beautiful photos, Joan.
