Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Te Pahu.. a walk in the country..

Te Pahu, at the foot of Mt Pirongia, was our heartland for over thirty years.
Yesterday friend Kath, who like me moved into the city in recent years,
and I returned there to have lunch with friend Josie.
Kath left her car at the local garage for it's Warrant of Fitness.

Kath, her dog Bebe and I opted to walk back to the garage to collect the car after our lovely lunch.
About three k's walk on a beautiful autumn day..

I saw our old farm, looking very green, and how the pines have grown,
that sons Steve and Ross planted as youngsters with grand dreams
of one day making their fortunes.

We passed the gurgling streams that come from the mountain,

and the homes and farms that once belonged to neighbours and friends.

We peeped in at Lois' latest little piglets born in her orchard.
I know Lois sells the piglets to buy wool
to knit blankets and clothes for orphans in Romania.

Along the way the cows were very interested in us and came to the fence to
look us over closely.

It was a sleepy, hazy sort of day
and the pastures shone in the gentle autumn light.

This is a place of belonging and memory.

I am the richer for having lived in this community,
with the mountain forever the guardian
of a special place.
Te Pahu.

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  1. Such a pastoral pleasure to see sights of your heartland, Joan. I most enjoyed the creek and the pines your sons planted. A heart tugging moment.

  2. Pure poetry, absolutely. The images and your beautiful lines describing them on your walk, your thoughts about seeing the place you came from and the trees your sons planted, makes this an exquisite post. The piglets wool being made into clothes for Romanian orphans, it's just all so fine. You do have a beautiful life, Joan.

  3. This is a place of belonging and memory - These are magical words, we look back and see but stand where we are, one foot in belonging, another in memory -- ohhhh, yes!

    Your friend's efforts to help those in Romania warms my heart, makes me smile - yep, this world of ours has some very nice people.

  4. What a heavenly place! A green and pleasant land...

  5. What a beautiful landscape, and such special memories. Blogspot went down and so I'm only now able to catch up with some comments.
