Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Autumn in the bush..

orange, red, yellow,
are the autumnal colours all around me
of exotic trees from far off lands.

So beautiful they thrill me..

and yet I have the sudden urge for the greenness of the bush.

Go back in time less than two centuries and Aotearoa was a land
of birds and insects and greenness.

Then was a time when autumn came so quietly,


No sudden fall of leaves,
no naked trees.

No gaudy hue.

The stars of  Matariki 


slipped away beneath the horizon,

and Papatuanuku pulled her cloak of a thousand greens
about her,
 ready for the coming
of the winter chill.

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  1. What a beautiful and poetical post, Joan. I can feel the pull into the depths of winter as I look at these lovely photos and read your words.

  2. your pictures speak a lot. these are truly wonderful :)

  3. "...her cloak of a thousand greens," is a beautiful line, in a beautiful poem, with photos to match. Your blog always brings me peace and I thank you.

  4. This is so very beautiful, Joan, and your words drew me, ever-so-gently, into the bush. What a beautiful, magical land you live in.

  5. So gorgeous, Joan. The first and last photos look like oil paintings! Your words are magical as is the place in which you live.

  6. Beautiful -- that cloak of a thousand greens.

  7. Ah, but there are karaka berries, which were scattered on the forest floor when I walked in the bush the other weekend - and the wonderful orange underside of the kaka's wing.
    Still, you are right about nature being much greener here, even in winter.
