Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I will be missing for a while...  I think in my ignorance of technology I have overloaded my hard drive.. or something.   I cannot upload photos any more.   I will have to call in the computer doctor!    I will be able to visit your blog but I will be silent until all is well again.  See you soon.  I hope!


  1. I noticed That Vicky said that she couldn't upload photos either J, so it may be a Blogger problem. Mum said that you had visited today, said it was lovely to see you.

  2. Oh that is interesting M. Maybe it will come right. Yes I had a lovely afternoon catching up with the clan. Gorgeous babies and kids .. and dogs ,, and cuzzies. I am so fortunate to have cousins the dozens ..and they are all lovely! Love you.

  3. "Get well quick" Joan. I hope the computer doctor can help.

  4. Oh dear - but I still get to see your lovely photos on FB xx

  5. Joan, I've been having issues with blogger and uploading photos. Very annoying. So hopefully it's a blogger-type issue and not a computer one for you!

  6. Still no joy? I have just uploaded photos so am hoping all is well for you now too.

  7. Good luck with getting it sorted Joan.

  8. oh...hope it gets alright soon.

  9. Woo hoo!!! It's working! But having been stocktaking 'til 1am last night and off to sewing now.. no time, but I'm back in business!! Thank you everyone. Glad I listened to you and didn't call the computer Dr!

  10. Hoorah! Mine finally loaded too!

  11. I'm reading backwards so know the problem remains. Sending positive healing wishes to your computer.
