Friday, November 2, 2012

Springtime.. it's the simple things:

Daisies on a green lawn.
How can a girl resist

the simplicity
of stringing them together 

in a chain of thoughtfulness. 

in a small glass vase
on a springtime walk.
How could I resist
such simplicity
and the memories.

Daisy Chains

Ruthie Walker
and me
in the greening time
picking daisies
in the spring grass
on the front field

split the stem
gently with a fingernail
and thread through the next flower

longer and longer
daisy chains
and dreaming
sunshine and whispy clouds
 across blue blue skies
dew damp grass
and daisy chains..

just fourteen
 Ruthie Walker
and me
dreams of what will be

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  1. It is cold and leafless here, Joan, your bright floral heading, this darling young lady making daisy chains, and the poem warmed my day.

  2. Beautiful Joan. I have happy memories of daisy chains too.
