Friday, June 10, 2011

The fact my car wouldn't start this morning,

and then the garage door remote refused to close the garage door,
all together, making me one hour late for sewing class..

and the way it rained and rained all day
without stopping,

making water rush down the gutters
and big inviting puddles everywhere..

.. might have caused me to feel a little "inverted" ..

but it did not stop me from having a very lovely day

or from doodling a Miro inspired doodle
while I watched
clever people dancing on ice this evening on the tv.

I do like Miro's creativity.

'I make no distinction between painting and poetry.'
Joan Miro.

I feel the same about doodling, dancing or scribbling down words.
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  1. I Love that Miro quote and isn't it so true? Your doodling mirrors that perfectly.

  2. It is a rainy, cold morning here, Joan. 40 degrees cooler than a few days ago, but, here are you and Miro and a delightful doodle to bring a smile and good cheer. I love the quote and will write in my book of quotes that I keep.

  3. I'm so glad your day was lovely even with all the aggravations, Joan.

    I love that quote. So true about creativity - there are no boundaries or limits or labels.

  4. Good for you Joan, not to be daunted! You and Miro share a playful approach to life. I love the doodle & the quote.
