Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Late Summer .. hosing the garden..


the sacred time of late summer
sun takes pity on us
and slips away in the west
and I slip down to a small garden of eden
where gods walk in the cool
of evening vespers

birds are quiet
and cicadas sing their love songs

my bare toes press into the still warm grass
and i become
 goddess benefactor of flowers and things green
the bearer of
precious water
a fountain of refreshment
life giving

leaves bend and sigh

and the water scatters and falls
a galaxy of great beauty..

i fill my glass
to take upstairs

goddess duties done

time to rest

 another day of heat
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  1. I can feel the warmth of the day in your pictures and words, Joan, and it reminds me of August here, when all is hot and tired and ready to move on to another season. I hope you have had a good night's rest.

  2. What a beautiful poem, Joan. And the photos are gorgeous! This brings back all the warmth and beauty of summer to my soul. Thank you.

  3. Your poem and pictures are a walk with the gods in themselves. I always feel like I'm praying when I visit here.

  4. Thank you Joan for bringing me into the sacred presences of your garden. I could feel the plants drinking in thankfulness.

  5. Love this, Joan! I, too, know that divine feeling of reviving a parched garden with a wave of the water hose.
